Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy involves the assessment and treatment of a wide range of injuries and conditions that affect the muscles, joints and bones of the body. This includes providing rehabilitation for fractures, soft tissue injuries, joint pain and after surgery. All of which can affect your quality of movement and function. It also includes the treatment and management of long term conditions such as osteoarthritis, rheumatological conditions and other specific conditions such as hypermobility spectrum disorders.
In some circumstances, an individual may not have specifically been hurt or injured. Instead, they may simply find that over time their strength, endurance and mobility has reduced which is impacting on their function, independence and quality of life. Whether your goal is to be stronger, get out more, go to the toilet yourself or to simply be more independent, I will fully assess your situation and create a specific plan to help you reach your goals.
And let's not forget, the amount you move (or not), can have a massive impact on your mental health (think mind and motion). It is never too late to get moving in the right way and there is always something I can provide you with that is achievable.
Physiotherapy input after having a baby can be hugely beneficial. Whether you have had a vaginal birth or a c-section, I will take the time to do a full assessment of you including your movement, strength, abdominal area (diastasis recti), breathing technique and pelvic floor function. It is really important to gently build your body back up after it has done an amazingly complex job for the last 9 months or so. Very often I see ladies trying to progress back to certain exercises before their body is ready and this can have some implications. Whether it's a one off session to set you on your way, or a number of sessions to gradually progress you over time, I will be able to offer you guidance and support based on your individual recovery.
As a physiotherapist, I am also very interested in assessing and advising on posture and ergonomics. In this day and age, people are spending more time sitting, standing and moving in less than ideal ways. This may be for work, exercise, gaming, reading books, or that guilty pleasure of social media scrolling. The way you position and move your body to do these activities, and the position that your computer, table, chair, or book is in, can have huge impact on musculoskeletal conditions.
Addressing these factors are just as important as following the correct treatment program. Otherwise it's like you are running on a sprained ankle everyday. Your body wants to get better but you are aggravating it on a regular basis.
If you have any questions about how this applies to you, please do not hesitate to make contact.
Medway, Swale and Maidstone, Kent.
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