I offer home visits in the Medway, Swale and Maidstone area in Kent. This avoids the need for you to travel and enables me to see you in the comfort of your own home. This is also particularly useful if you are keen to improve your overall levels of mobility and function inside your home.
Prices for initial assessments and follow ups may vary depending on the type of assessment required and travel costs. Please get in touch for further information.
Telephone appointments can be a quick and convenient way to receive appropriate advice, treatment and management. You may even start with a face-to-face home visit appointment and then progress onto a telephone follow up if that is more appropriate.
Initial Assessment (Up to 60 minutes) £30
Follow up appointment (30 minutes) £20
Follow up appointment (45 minutes) £25
I can deliver educational talks to suit a variety of different groups in a location of your choosing. Costings associated with the talks will be provided on a case by case basis. If you would like to explore how this will work for you, please make contact by phone or via the form below.
Medway, Swale and Maidstone, Kent
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